30 Day Blogging Challenge

30 Day Blogging Challenge

All right.

As usual (unfortunately), it’s been way, way too long since my last post. I think about this blog frequently, but I just never get around to updating it.

Thank you, Sharon Tseng, for challenging me to this 30 day blogging challenge thing. I think it’ll be a great way for me to get back on top of blogging again.

So before I get to the actual challenge, let me update you on what’s going on right now. My wonderful mother-in-law flew in to Nagoya last Thursday, and we’ve been traveling quite a bit since then. Friday to Saturday we were in Tokyo and stopped by Mt. Fuji on our way home, Monday to Tuesday was Kyoto, and Wednesday through Friday we explored Kagoshima. I’ll be sure to post more photos from all that soon, but for now, here’s the three of us in front of the Silver Pavilion in Kyoto.

On to the challenge!

List 10 random facts about yourself.
01 I’m allergic to dogs, but am a happy owner of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi (http://redhairedshanksthecorgi.tumblr.com/)
02 My husband just pointed out that I’m “allergic to more than that.” That said, I’m also allergic to horses, cats, melons, bananas, avocados, and slightly allergic to some nuts. I’m also allergic to grass, dust, and various trees and plants. I visited an allergist in college once…

03 I may have kinda sorta memorized the first five seasons of The Big Bang Theory. Our TV doesn’t play anything but DVDs/Blurays, and I like to play the seasons that we have on disc while I’m cooking, cleaning, and basically doing any chores around our home. Andrew once popped in a random disc for me when I was in the kitchen and I was able to pinpoint exactly which season and which disc he put in…
04 I have a pink and white motorcycle helmet.
05 I have yet to fully move out of my parents’ house. I left a lot of my stuff in my old room when I went to college, and then I ended up moving back to my parents’ place for a bit after I graduated. When I got married, we lived in a small apartment and my plan was to move out once we moved to a bigger place. We’ve since moved to a bigger place, but we’re also in a different country, so….yea.
06 I am a barista and I try to create latte art. Key word: try
07 My favorite anime character is Roronoa Zoro, and my dog is named after another character from the same anime.
08 I ride my bicycle half an hour to get to work. When I first moved to Japan, someone mentioned that a certain destination was “only a 40-minute bike ride away,” and it surprised me…but now I understand. Also, my bicycle is hot pink (bottom right corner)
09 People here keep mistaking me for being Japanese…….
10 I’m running out of things, it’s really late, and I’m really tired. Let’s see…I always thought I’d end up marrying a Korean American guy, but ended up marrying a half Japanese, half white (English+Irish+German+???) guy.

The end! I’ll try to post again tomorrow 🙂

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